
Fatboy Headdemock

Fatboy Headdemock, originally uploaded by Design Public.

Post By: www.designpublic.com

Fatboy Headdemocks are back! Now that winter is nearly to an end (in most regions) Fatboy has brought out their coveted summer item: the Headdemock. Back in the day my dad would frequently inquire about when I was going to get him a Headdemock. For him, the idea of a leisurely day on a Fatboy Headdemock while drooling for or maybe eating a Fat Boy Ice Cream Sandwich (the two of which are not related but both utterly delicious) was too enticing of a notion for him not to get overly excited. I buckled and bought him the Fatboy Headdemock of his dreams. Next to come will be the ice cream sandwiches.

View all of Fatboy’s indoor and outdoor seating options on DP.

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